Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fly with me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fly with me - Essay Example The book reads, â€Å"The Pistol star was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in the early 1990s and it is located approximately 25,000 light years from Earth it’s the direction of Sagittarius†Standing on the perspective of the earth, the star-containing region is to the western edge of the Constellation Sagittarius, the Archer. Among the stars in the local group of the galaxies, the most luminous of them is the Pistol Star. Its diameter is bigger than that of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The star produces more than ten million times the light produced by the Sol (L=10^6.3). It releases as much energy as the sun does in a year within six seconds only. At the back of his mind, the boy was thinking of what could have happened if the star was located on the current position of the sun. It has more than one hundred and fifty solar-masses. The star is thought to have begun with around two hundred to two hundred and fifty solar-masses. It has been discarding much of its substance over time. The star is characterized as a luminous Blue Variable because of the extremely luminous nature of the star coupled with the possession of more than forty solar-masses. Other features resulting to the mention class is the variable spectra and its surrounding ejecta. If it were not for the interfering dust between it and the earth, the star would be visible from the earth with the naked eye. These features made him pose. He was carried away by thoughts of how exactly the cloud was like. He was engulfed by thoughts of the origin of the cloud of dust. The star is thought to be around one point seven and two point one million years old. It is expected to explode in supernovae within the next one to three million years. The creation of the Pistol Nebula was from an eruption in the outer layers of the star, which released up to ten solar masses of material in huge outpourings about four thousand to six thousand years ago. The star is still expected to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Stock market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stock market - Essay Example The Stock Market A stock can be termed as a partial ownership of a company. The partial ownerships are called shares are offered to the public through the initial public offering for the first time. The stocks can then be sold and bought by the public at any time after the initial public offering. A person who owns as little as one share of a company is said to be a shareholder and has partial ownership of that particular company. Stocks are bought with the hope that they will appreciate in value thus the shareholder makes a profit. This is what has made the stock market to be very popular. When a company is doing well, the value of its stock appreciates in value and when it is not doing well, the value of its stock decreases (Furang 6). The stock market is one of the most profitable ventures in the world. Investors can buy shares of the companies of interest at a low price and sell them at a high price thus making profits. To do this successfully, the investor has to understand the company they are interested in completely. The issues of the company affect the value of the stock directly. As such, the investor is required to keep following up the happenings of the company to know the best time to purchase stocks of that company. Timing on the time to purchase the stock is important (Kettell 33). The value of stock can really appreciate over time; the little profits earned at any given time can be compounded over the months and years leading to higher profits. In fact, those interested in stocks should invest with the quest to compounding whatever they earn over the years. That is the best method of investing in stocks. Compounding interest from stocks for one or more decade can generate a lot of profits especially for the well performing companies. Looking at Apple Inc as an example, the value of its shares has increased by over four hundred percent in the last 18 years. An investor, who purchased Apple stocks worth one thousand dollars in 1995, has over four thousand worth currently (Pundit 1). There are some people who have been able to make the percent of their capital or more per year. They get their capital back in at most ten years at that rate. What they earn after that are just profits. There are some stocks that have appreciated even faster getting the capital back faster (Schabacker 42). Another reason that creates a lot of interest in stocks is diversification. An investor can purchase many stocks of different companies thereby spreading the risk. They are guaranteed of profits almost every month. When the stocks of some companies are performing poorly, others are performing well. The investor will benefit from the well performing stocks and can hold the poor performing stocks till they become profitable. Stocks at times may fluctuate below the buying price and then increase above the buying price after sometime. It is important for an investor to understand the fundamentals of the company and the historical price pattern to b enefit through this. These are also known as fundamental and technical analysis and have proven to be very effective over the years for investors who use them (Weir 98). While stocks are profitable, some people are not comfortable in investing in stocks. Stocks are affected by several things. Economic slow down can
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Benefits of Nanotechnology on Health and the Environment
Benefits of Nanotechnology on Health and the Environment Aleksandar Banic Abstract Nanotechnology is concerned with manipulating matter to near atomic scales between one and 100nm (nanometers-1 billionth of a meter). This technology has recently gained popularity due to its potential in altering the behaviour of individual molecules and has opened the door to new applications. Many researchers have pinpointed the potential risk of nanotechnology on the environment and on human health. This is due to the fact that the extremely small nanoparticles can penetrate into human cells. This paper aims at determining ways in which this new technology can benefit the environment and the state of people’s health. Typical expectations of functional paints and coatings include: durability, reproducibility, easy application and cost effectiveness, tailored surface morphology and environmental friendliness. Through the use of nanotechnology, these properties can be achieved; therefore inflicting less environmental damage and cost. Discussion As shown in figure 1 (refer to appendix), the list of benefits for paints containing nanoparticles is extensive. It is also apparent that nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) is one of the most common nanoparticles in both the paint and lacquer industries. The primary reason for this is its ability to make the paint more durable (refer to figure 2 for following references). The wavelength of the visible light spectrum ranges between 400 and 700nm, whereas TiO2 is much shorter (200-350nm). This property renders the coating transparent and more aesthetically pleasing whilst also allowing UV absorption smaller wavelength means more energy. Therefore, when moving from left to right in figure 2, the different types of radiation become increasingly destructive. During UV radiation, UV photons can cause ionization, where electrons break away from atoms and this vacancy affects chemical properties. As a result, the paint could begin to flake, otherwise known as ‘chalking’ where it is th en washed away into the environment (1)(2)(3). Nano TiO2 coating serves to prevent this and is therefore considered to be an advantage to the environment. As durability is increased, the longevity of the paint does likewise and therefore, the rate of production is lowered. This means that energy and resource outputs are decreased, thus benefiting the environment once more. Figure 2: electromagnetic spectrum image displaying frequency and wavelength. Also highlights visible spectrum (3) One of the most advantageous characteristics of nanoparticle paints and coatings is their self-cleansing property. Nano scale titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most often employed nanoparticle that exhibits this property. As TiO2 is photo catalytic, when illuminated with an ultraviolet (UV) source (e.g. sunlight) in the presence of water, valence electrons are transferred into the conduction band of TiO2 and then react with oxygen. Super oxide radicals result. These photo-produced radicals are powerful oxidizing species and can cause the deterioration of organic contaminants or microbial pieces on the particle surface. Furthermore, nano TiO2 is super-hydrophilic, i.e. the entire surface attracts and spreads water out into a thin film (4). Therefore, water and rainfall easily wash away contaminants when the coating is applied on an exterior surface. Figure 3: Hydrophilic coating (right) with TiO2on float glass for comparative purposes. Notice how right side is spread out thinly to cover as much surface as possible. This allows for a more consistent cleaning (4). Self-cleaning surfaces can decrease the amount of cleaning required. In the case of industrial cleaning in particular it can reduce labour costs and extend a materials durability. Lower energy costs and less use of cleaning detergents are expected to be the primary environmental benefits (5). In fact, nano TiO2 was proven to achieve the following: Reduction in re-paint material consumption by over 75% Reduction in labour and energy costs by 50% In summary, the photo catalytic and hydrophilic features of nano T (Environmental Protection Agency , 2015)iO2 result in the benefit of self-cleaning. When compared to that of standard paints, this is also beneficial to the environment whilst also being more cost effective. In addition, paints coated in nano TiO2 have also managed to reduce surface pollution. Paint which photocleans the air of automobile-produced nitrogen oxides (NOx) is currently under heavy promotion. NOx are formed during the combustion process when nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) are present at elevated temperatures. They also serve as key precursors for ozone and this can lead to numerous health effects as outlined in the figure below. Figure 4: The relationship between the severity of the effect and the proportion of the population experiencing the effect can be presented as a pyramid. Many individuals experience the least serious, most common effects shown at the bottom. Fewer individuals experience the more severe effects such as hospitalization or death; however, they are still possibilities especially after prior health issues or prolonged exposure (6). In the presence of sunlight, TiO2 nanoparticles in the paint, form hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, which then react with NOx in the air to produce nitric acid. This reacts further with calcium carbonate in the paint matrix to generate minute quantities of calcium nitrate, water, and carbon dioxide (CO2). Calcium nitrate is especially useful as a fertilizer; therefore it is not harmful to the environment. And although CO2 is considered a greenhouse gas, it is nontoxic (7)(8). Figure 5: graph compares the surface area covered by anatase (one of the three forms of TiO2) to the % of NOx removed from that vicinity. Eventually it will plateau as the production of NOx will be no longer be able to reduce by more than is being created (7) In an experiment, a 4,100m2 wall was subjected to paint containing TiO2 nanoparticles. Results showed that each square meter could remove 80g of NOx from the atmosphere per year. Furthermore, NOx levels in the vicinity of the wall were compared to that of other areas of the city and a 57% decrease was found. It can be concluded from this information that health effects would also be lowered proportionally (8). As the effects of nano TiO2 particles in paint are evidently advantageous, it supports the statement that in general, the positives of nanoparticles outweigh the negatives. If nanoparticles are firmly imbedded within a coating matrix, current risk assessments conclude that the probability of a harmful impact on the environment is very low. However, nanoparticles may be released as a result of weathering on the coating matrix. An investigation conducted in 2010, has shown that very small amounts of TiO2 (between 20 and 300nm in size) are released by house paints due to weathering. They can then enter the soil via rainwater drains. As stated previously, the photocatalytic activities of TiO2 are able to produce oxygen radicals. They are in fact toxic for aquatic organisms. However, the release of nanoparticles into the environment can be reduced or prevented if nanomaterials and coatings are designed accordingly. Regardless of the fact that surface coatings which contain firmly embedded nanoparticles currently pose a minute risk to the health of users and consumers, special attention is required for those that manufacture nanoparticulate raw materials. (4) (9) (Chang)Nevertheless, there are currently no known long-term health effects as a result of nanoparticle paint, and the short-term effects are easily reduced or prevented when safety measures are taken accordingly. Although possible health and environmental effects may exist, they are unsupported and easily outweighed by the positives of nanoparticle paints. Conclusion Several advantages for nanoparticles used in paint and lacquer have been focused on throughout this paper. Although many more are possible as outlined in figure 1 (appendix), it is evident from the properties of UV absorption, self-cleansing and NOx reduction alone, that it overcomes the unfounded negative impacts. In fact, the only undesirable aspect is the danger that nanoparticles could inflict upon the appliers and manufacturers. However, there is very little supporting evidence and can therefore not be used as a counter argument for the use of nanoparticle paints. It is important that the public understands how beneficial this technology is they would be doing themselves and the environment a great disservice. Bibliography Wick, P. (2012). Nanoparticles in paints: A new strategy to protect faà §ades and surfaces? . International Conferences on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials , 10. Popov, A. (2008). TiO2 NANOPARTICLES AS UV PROTECTORS. UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS. OULUN YLIOPISTO. New World Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Electromagnetic Spectrum. Retrieved May 4, 2015, from New World Encyclopedia: Nanotechnology solutions for self-cleaning, dirt and water-repellent coatings . (2011, January 11). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from Nano Werk: Environmental Protection Agency . (2015, January 31). Health Effects of Ozone in the General Population. Retrieved May 5, 2015, from Ozone and Your Patients Health Training for Health Care Providers: Dalton, J. (2002). Photocatalytic oxidation of NOx gases using TiO2: a surface spectroscopic approach. Elsevier . Bendak, S. (2010). Potential Environmental and Health Benefits of Nanotechnology. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering , 4 (1), 2. Joseph, R. (2011). Nanotechnology-A New Prospective in Organic Coating Review. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications , 2 (4). Chang, X. Health effects of exposure to nano-TiO2: a meta-analysis of experimental studies. Nanjing : Springer . Appendix Figure 1: above table states the various advantages of nanoparticle paints and coatings along with their respective nanomaterial and industrial branch (1) Bibliography (Popov, 2008) (New World Encyclopedia) (Nanotechnology solutions for self-cleaning, dirt and water-repellent coatings Read more: Nanotechnology solutions for self-cleaning, dirt and water-repellent coatings , 2011) (Wick, 2012)
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Rape of Women in Draupadi, by Mahasweta Devi, and Open It,â€Âby Saad
The Rape of Women in â€Å"Draupadi,†by Mahasweta Devi, and â€Å"Open It,†by Saadat Hasan Manto Where there is war, there is the rape and abuse of women. From the Trojan War to the Middle East conflict, rape has been a tactic of war. Rape is commonly viewed by society as a symbol of female degradation, female submission, and the stripping of honor and humanity. In the stories â€Å"Draupadi,†by Mahasweta Devi, and â€Å"Open It,†by Saadat Hasan Manto, the rape of women is a common theme. In Manto’s â€Å"Open It,†a young girl, Sakina, is raped by young men of her community, while in Devi’s â€Å"Draupadi,†a tribal rebel is raped by authorities of the state. While the storylines of these pieces are rather similar, the portrayal of the rape and the reactions of the young women are exceedingly different. Both authors use the disrobing of garments to create a dramatic climax. However, the respective climaxes convey contrasting ideas about the rape and degradation of women. In â€Å"Draupadi,†the unveiling of garments reveals im mense female power. In â€Å"Open It,†the disrobing of garments reveals helpless female submission. Despite these differences, however, both acts of disrobing result in a striking male reaction and symbolize the remarkable survival of these battered and abused women. The circumstances of the rape and the personalities of the rape victims are very different in â€Å"Open It†and â€Å"Draupadi.†In Manto’s story, a father is desperately looking for his daughter, Sakina, in the midst of the chaos and disorder of Partition. He asks self appointed social workers of the community to help him find Sakina. When Sakina is approached by these men, her initial reaction is one of fright: â€Å"The moment she heard the truck, she began to run†(Manto 360). ... ...r remarkable survival. Although society will always have preconceptions of rape and how a woman should and will react to being raped, it is apparent through â€Å"Draupadi†and â€Å"Open It†that being raped is a very personal experience. It is an experience unique to women that can yield very different reactions. Rape can make a woman, like it did Dopdi, or it can break a woman like it did Sakina. Because being raped is such a personal experience, a woman’s reaction to such a trauma should not and can not be judged. Whether a woman is strengthened or weakened through rape, it does not matter. What matters is that she survives. Works Cited Devi, Mahasweta. â€Å"Draupadi.†In Other Worlds. Ed. Chakravorty Spriak. New York and London: Routledge, 1987. Manto Hasan, Saadat. â€Å"Open It.†Stories about the Partition of India. Ed. Alok Bhalla. New Delhi: Harper Collins, 1999.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Welfare Of Parkinsons Disease Sufferers Health And Social Care Essay
Parkinson ‘s disease is a common disease confronting many older people across the universe. It affects the cardinal nervous system and it impairs cognitive procedures, motor accomplishments and other maps. This disease largely affects the older coevals and it manifests itself with symptoms which include rigidness, shudder, postural instability, awkwardness in motion and others. Other symptoms include sleep troubles, centripetal and autonomic disfunction. Parkinson ‘s disease has a high prevalence rate among older people with about 500,000 people enduring from the disease in the United States. In add-on, there are about 1 million people who suffer from the disease but they have non been diagnosed yet ( Oxtoby et. al. , 2004 ) . This makes Parkinson ‘s disease a serious unwellness which requires pressing intercessions by society. Parkinson ‘s disease adversely affects the day-to-day life of people enduring from it since it affects their cognitive procedures or motor accomplishments. This makes most patients rely on household and friends for endurance. As a consequence, there are assorted plans which have been developed to provide for people enduring from the unwellness. This paper aims at analysing Parkinson ‘s disease including statistics and effects on patients. Assorted plans which cater for patients enduring from the disease will be discussed and farther intercessions needed to cut down inauspicious effects on society recommended. The discussed issues will be summarized at the terminal.Statisticss, causality and interventionIt has been stated that there are 500,000 people enduring from Parkinson ‘s disease in the United States and a farther 1 million who have the disease but who have non been diagnosed yet. The disease kills an norm of 14,000 people yearly in the US. In the UK, about 1 % of hospital audiences are for Parkinson ‘s disease and the average age of patients diagnosed with the disease is 65. Globally, it is estimated that about 10 million suffer from the disease although there are few statistics on Parkinson ‘s disease. The cause of the disease is non known although it has been linked with genetic sciences in some instances. It has besides been linked to exposure to some insect powders. Parkinson ‘s is normally diagnosed by a combination of methods. It is hard to name the disease utilizing pathological agencies and clinical trials are normally used in naming Parkinson ‘s. Neuro-imaging is besides another effectual manner of naming the upset. The disease is normally treated utilizing medicine although at some phases complications may happen as a consequence of trust on medicine. Treatment techniques include the usage of MAO-B inhibitors, Dopastat agonists and L-dopa. Rehabilitation and diet have besides been seen to assist in allev iating symptoms. In utmost instances, encephalon stimulation and surgery is used to alleviate symptoms of the disease.Psycho-social challenges confronting affected patientsThere are many challenges which patients who suffer from Parkinson ‘s face. Since the disease impairs cognitive procedures, motor accomplishments and other maps, it makes twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities hard to execute. Acts which many people take for granted such as speaking, walking, bathing, bathroom control, memory and others, may all of a sudden turn out disputing for Parkinson ‘s patients to execute. This may do them societal loads who require round the clock attending from their households or wellness attention practicians. Many patients particularly those who are hapless or marginalized are normally unable to entree such attention and they are left to endure on their ain. However, there are assorted groups and undertakings which are developed to provide for patients who can no n entree effectual attention. Patients enduring from symptoms of the disease may besides be unable to keep nice employment chances due to hapless cognitive and motor accomplishments as a consequence of the disease. Inability to keep employment makes such patients dependent on others. Patients who do non hold household and friends who may care for them normally do non hold entree to basic demands including wellness attention due to miss of employment. However, these excessively can profit from several plans which have been created to provide for patients enduring from the disease across the US. Another psycho-social challenge confronting many Parkinson ‘s patients is deficiency of entree to effectual wellness attention services. Many patients do non hold support from household and friends and they besides do non hold employment chances. As a consequence, they are unable to afford wellness attention insurance to pull off their status and this worsens their symptoms ( Grimes, 2004 ) . If the disease is left untreated for a long clip, such patients are exposed to human death. This may explicate the high figure of people who succumb to Parkinson ‘s disease which can be managed through intervention. In add-on, there is a high degree of psychological agony particularly for patients in the late phase of the unwellness. Such patients suffer from altered relationships, low ego regard, loss of liberty, societal isolation among other effects. These have an inauspicious consequence on mental wellness and they may take to the development of other mental unwellnesss such as p sychosis. It is hence of indispensable importance that a remedy is found for the unwellness. This may merely be achieved through research.Research undertakings on Parkinson ‘s diseaseThere are assorted researches which have been conducted in order to understand the most effectual manner to name and handle the disease. In a research by Columbia University, 100 people of who half suffered from Parkinson ‘s disease were studied for Dopastat degrees. The healthy population acted as the control group during research. The research findings showed that people enduring from Parkinson ‘s disease lose up to 70 % of Dopastat in the encephalon ( National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2011 ) . This determination was of import since it enabled scientists to develop new ways of naming the disease. They used PET imaging to mensurate Dopastat degrees and find if one suffers from Parkinson ‘s disease. Stimulation of these patients besides recorded improved mo tor working which is provides a footing for handling Parkinson ‘s patients. In another research projected undertaken by the National Institute of Health, three households of Grecian and Italian beginnings which suffered from Parkinson ‘s disease were studied. The scientists aimed at happening out if genetic sciences is a causality of Parkinson ‘s disease. The research findings showed that in all households, there was a mutant of the cistron alpha-synuclein. This determination proved to be of import since it linked genetic sciences to the development of Parkinson ‘s disease. It besides encouraged scientists to further analyze the function of alpha-synuclein in development of Parkinson ‘s disease. Research findings on the impact of this cistron may organize the footing of developing a remedy for the disease. However, farther research on the disease is necessary in order to develop an effectual remedy.Successful community based plans for Parkinson ‘s disease patientsThere are assorted successful plans which have been developed to p rovide for patients enduring from Parkinson ‘s disease. Some of these plans will be briefly discussed below ;American Parkinson ‘s Disease AssociationThis group was founded in 1961 with the aims of easing loads of Parkinson ‘s sick persons and developing a remedy for this unwellness. It has its central offices in New York and the organisation undertakes several enterprises to help in forestalling and handling the disease ( American Parkinson ‘s Disease Association, 2011 ) . It has subdivisions in several provinces and the organisation provides attention to patients across America who suffer from Parkinson ‘s disease. It is chiefly funded by both the authorities and the private sector. This organisation has helped over 1 million patients to day of the month and this figure is bit by bit increasing. The APDA organisation provides financess for research on the disease in attempts to develop remedy. Already, over $ 1 billion has been used in this enterprise to day of the month. The organisation besides provides support for patients who suffer from the upset. It provides medical aid through associating patients with qualified wellness attention professionals and guaranting that medical costs are paid. This is normally aimed at supplying the hapless and marginalized people with no entree to wellness insurance with an chance to entree high quality intervention. Finally, the APDA organisation strives to educate the populace on the presence of Parkinson ‘s disease in society and how to care for patients enduring from the disease. This is a really of import enterprise since it ensures that patients have moral and physical support from their friends, households and society at big.Columbia Parkinson ‘s SupportThis organisation was developed to supply information, support, consciousness and instruction on Parkinson ‘s disease. It is run by voluntaries and it is a non-profit group entirely developed to provide for demands of P arkinson ‘s patients. Most of these voluntaries are patients who besides suffer from Parkinson ‘s. The group began runing in 1985 and it has helped over 5,000 Parkinson ‘s patients since so. Its chief aims are back uping patients enduring from Parkinson ‘s through fiscal or medical aid, set abouting research aimed at developing a remedy for the disease and sensitising the populace on the presence of the disease and how to care for patients who suffer from it ( Columbia Parkinson ‘s Support, 2011 ) . The CPS group holds treatments and forums one time a hebdomad in attempts to sensitise the populace on the disease. Although this is a comparatively little group with limited support, the members participate in clinical tests whenever an chance presents itself and this is an of import measure towards developing a remedy for the disease. The group sets aside $ 3,000 yearly for research intents on Parkinson ‘s disease. This group is funded by good wisher s and members every bit good as other stakeholders. The local community besides plays a major function in raising financess to back up the cause of the CPS group.Social intercessions which may assist pull off Parkinson ‘s diseaseThere are assorted intercessions which should be applied in order to assist pull off the effects of the disease in society. These intercessions will be briefly discussed below ;Educating populace on the diseaseEducating the populace on presence of the disease and how to care for patients who suffer from it is one of the most effectual ways of pull offing the disease. Patients who suffer from Parkinson ‘s require support from the household, friends and community at big ( Duvoisin & A ; Sage, 2001 ) . Increasing consciousness of the disease amongst the local community enables patients enduring from this disease to hold mental and physical support from society. It besides informs the populace on the symptoms and causes of the disease thereby encoura ging cheque ups and early intervention on people enduring from symptoms of the disease.More support for research on Parkinson ‘s diseaseAlthough there are many installations which undertake research on Parkinson ‘s disease, most of these plans are under-funded. Many organisations and groups prefer funding research for diseases such as malignant neoplastic disease and diabetes which are viewed as more common and lifelessly. However, Parkinson ‘s disease is besides a serious disease which requires a similar degree of attending. More support should be provided by the authorities and private houses for research on the disease in order to develop an early remedy and salvage 1000000s of lives.Bettering entree to healthcare insuranceThere are more than 5 million people in the US who do non hold entree to wellness acre insurance. This is due to the high cost of insurance which is beyond their fiscal abilities. There are many people who suffer from Parkinson ‘s diseas e who fall in this bracket. Such patients are unable to entree medical attention to pull off the disease and this causes farther injury on their mental and physical wellness. Guaranting everyone has entree to wellness insurance is an effectual manner of contending the disease since it will promote early intercession and intervention thereby minimising the effects of the disease on society ( Michele, 2009 ) .Execution of the intercessionsIn order to efficaciously implement these intercessions, the authorities and private sector should organize a partnership. Partnership between the two would do support for Parkinson ‘s disease research and intervention easier. The community should besides be involved when implementing these intercessions. This is because patients require community support which may either be psychological or physical for their wellness to better. The authorities and local governments should guarantee that everyone has entree to wellness attention by cut downing wellness insurance costs and increasing support of wellness attention. This will guarantee that Parkinson ‘s disease is diagnosed and treated early for the bulk of patients.Summary and decisionAssorted facets of Parkinson ‘s disease have been discussed in item. Parkinson ‘s is a common disease in the US and across the universe although it is mostly unmarked. Its cause is unknown and it has no remedy. Over 500,000 people have been diagnosed with Parkinson ‘s in the US and 1 million others have the disease but have non been diagnosed. The disease affects patients physically, mentally and socially since it affects cognitive procedures, motor accomplishments and other maps, doing twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activities hard to execute. Patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson ‘s disease suffer from psycho-social jobs such as inability to keep nice employment chances, deficiency of entree to effectual wellness attention services and psychol ogical agony particularly for patients in the late phase of the unwellness. Assorted groups such as Columbia Parkinson ‘s Support and American Parkinson ‘s Disease Association contribute to bettering the public assistance of patients through increasing consciousness of the disease, funding research on the unwellness and supplying medical and fiscal aid to patients. In order to pull off the unwellness, assorted intercessions should be implemented and these include educating populace on the disease, apportioning more support for research on Parkinson ‘s disease and bettering entree to healthcare insurance by patients. This will guarantee that early diagnosing and intervention of the disease is achieved and that fewer people succumb to the effects of the disease. However, farther research is needed to develop a remedy for Parkinson ‘s. Developing a remedy for the disease will salvage the lives of future coevalss.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
ERP Implementation Project Essay
Rolls Royce is one of those pioneers global companies which they have facilities in the most of the world countries, many suppliers, partners and huge base of customers all over the world, moreover as the most pioneers global organisations actions to avoid the hypercompetitive in the global market, globalization and many challenges Rolls Royce decided in 1998 to change its organizational strategies to be more flexible and more response to the customers’ demands which that need to flatten its organizational structure hierarchy and turn to be process oriented rather than functional oriented so they divided the company into two business units the first one called customer focused business unit (CFBU) which there all the orders and sales deals comes and where all focused on customers’ needs to achieve best sales and second one called operation business unit (OBU) which there is the production of products to fulfill other units demands, Executive group who managed all the un its and all decisions come from them to be distributed to whole company staff. Rolls Royce has recognized that changes of its organizational strategies, aspiration and plans in growths over all the world will not be supported by the legacy resources planning systems which it owned them and the difficulty of theses systems to be fixed and development and because the important of the information technology and the internet to create process oriented business environment and how much is effective to transfer the organization from rigid structure to be more flexible, so Rolls Royce decided to sign partnership with electronic data service company (EDS) to find for it modern business solution system for the data information management and resources planning to be more flexible and modify of its requirements which is in its turn decided to implement the SAP enterprise resources planning system (ERP) on operation business unit (OBU) and in my point of view the step that sign with outsourcing partner to find solution to specific issue like what Rolls Royce did with EDS and outsourcing the IT solutions issue one of one of the steps have done by Rolls Royce to overcome the complications of the ERP implementation and let it just focusing on the its field of engines manufacturing. Important steps has done by outsourcing the implementation project to specialized company because Rolls Royce has realised the fact that this kind of projects on huge organisation are risky, any error in implementation will lead to huge money losing, many practical examples prove that, like the fail in implementation ERP system cost DELL 10 $ billions just to scrap it, moreover this kind of systems very expensive to remove it or to retrieve the data from it or even to modify it, the customization for this kind of systems is very expensive, this kind of system need high integration between departments, peoples and users because in truth the ERP system need board organisational transformation process specially in the organisation management model , organisation structure , management style and culture and particularly to staff so the organisation must be ready to implement the ERP system, ready to change which Rose Royce was ready to this transformation and there is integration betw een department instead the success implementation will make the company get all the benefits and advantages of this kind of the systems like process automotive and the quick access of up to date and timely management information which give the organisation competitive advantage which the Rolls Royce one of those organisations want to achieve that’s advantage so it was critical to the Rolls Royce to achieve success ERP project implementation, so they forming project team to implement the ERP system in success fashion, this team consist outsourcing specialists from external company EDS , which EDS itself has specialized on SAP system , SAP consultants and internal managers and staff have good experience with cross-functional business relationships and experience on the old systems, all of them will corporate to achieve the project implementation success. As any complicated projects of implementation, the Rolls Royce ERP project implementation faced some problems can be grouped into three area of culture, business and technical. Culture problems we can conclude it in sentence of the people are afraid of what they do not understand, as unexpectedly the new system faced resistance from the people in spite of the new system do the same functions or better than the legacy one has, so the project team decided to increase the original plan period because they need more time to illustrate them the advantages of the new system and how will do positive effects on the department and the company as whole, moreover they need to make the people integrate and to train them how to use it in effective way they tried to make the accept it as new work environment practices through educational plan to educate the staff in the new system which the plan consists , presentation , demonstration , information delivery and expert training moreover the team trained around 10000 employees in the organization, the project team strategy realised that important to accept the system and turn them to new environment practices which cons ider significant to running the system in success way and to create proper integration between the departments to achieve the advantages of the new system unless the ERP system will not add value or competitive advantage if the users not integrate between each other’s, for that the project team take all the time required to overcome this problem . The Technical problems had raised in the implementation project is the data and how much this data important and valuable to the organization in hand and the high cost of retrieve, transfer and storing these date in new system server in other hand, also the fairs to lose the valuable data on the old system servers and the difficulty to retrieve the data from the old system which its stored there in sensitive format moreover the possibility of the data duplication all of these problems the team success to solve it with lowest cost to achieve that the project team in some special area of the old system they kept it running until they can phased it out by the new system then they have built interface bridge between the old system and new system, like when they kept the computer aided design (CAD) used by Rolls Royce the same. Rolls Royce ERP implementation project is success practices case study for complicated and costly projects as the ERP implementation project, as we noted from this case study the project implementation require organization willingness to change on its organisational structure, the pepole integration between different departments is vital factor to achieve success fashion of implementation, ERP system modification and customization are costly and expensive that lead us to said that the ERP implementation projects is term of organisation processes, organisation style, organisation fashion, organisation pepole integration, organisation pepole practices modification not system customization, the organisation realization of complications of implementation the system lead it to form expert project teams to achieve success implementation even by outsourcing service unless will be error in implementation which that disaster as we read in the paper real disaster examples of error ERP implanta tion and how its cost the organisation billions, in finally when the organisation decide to implement the ERP system it must be ready and able to define the main core businesses requires the ERP system then the organisation can deiced which of ERP modules is fit to the organisation need. References Yasuf, Y., Gunasekaran, A. & Abthorpe, M., 2004. Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce. International Journal of Production Economics, 87 (3), pp.251-266. ,
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